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EnergyGauge Software
EnergyGauge is a family of user-friendly PC software tools that allow easy yet detailed performance-based analysis of building energy use and perform economic analysis of proposed energy improvements.
EnergyGauge will perform:
- Energy Code calculations and compliance reports
- Building Energy Ratings and Rating reports
- Economic
analysis of building energy improvements
Select the software that meets your analysis needs:
EnergyGauge Summit Premier offers nationwide commercial and public building energy analysis for federal tax deduction, LEED NC 2.1 and 2.2 energy optimization point calculation, LEED 2.2 EA credit 1 template completion, ASHRAE 90.1 calculations, including Appendix G. Premier also includes everything in our EnergyGauge Summit FlaCom version, that provides commercial building Method A Florida Energy Efficiency Code calculations and reports. EnergyGauge Summit ComFree adds building rating capabilities to the basic Summit FlaCom version (available to certified raters only). |
The USA residential software product, EnergyGauge USA, provides residential building annual energy use and IECC code calculations and reports for the entire nation. A Pro version of the software includes pollution analysis and tax credit qualification reports, and a rater version includes HERS ratings (Available to certified energy raters and qualified government program energy analysts only). Software used for Florida residential code compliance by the performance method. |