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Dense-Pack Sidewall Insulation

Code: DPack
Price: $249.00
View more items in Building Science Training

This is a half-day presentation is to inform about target density and filling techniques using dense-pack insulation. Videos and hands-on props will be used to show a few techniques and pitfalls that may arise when dense-packing. The density display is used to stress the importance of density and uniformity of installation. Students will have a hands-on practice with the dense-pack sidewall prop, letting each student fill at least one wall cavity and then inspecting the work with the finger test, core sample, or other methods.

Handout Materials to include: Installed wall density worksheets, Dense-pack Sidewall Insulation.

DOE Hot Climate Initiative Dense-pack sidewall prop: Allow students to gain hands-on experience by filling at least one bay, then letting them see the effectiveness of their work for themselves

Registration is at 8:00 am and class starts at 8:30 am. We will end around lunchtime.

Event Location
Florida Solar Energy Center
Room 111
1679 Clearlake Road
United States Of America

All payments are fully refundable if cancellation is received at least 7 business days before the class begins. FSEC reserves the right to cancel any course in the event of insufficient pre-registration. In that event, all payments are fully refundable.

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