Commercial Energy Code and Green Building Modeling Using EnergyGauge Summit
This course will teach you how to use the software. It is designed for first time and experienced users. Students can work alone or in pairs per computer while being guided by instructors that will help them learn how to input data into software and generate output reports to determine energy impacts. Come see how easy it is to generate an ASHRAE 90.1 rating, tax deduction and LEED 2.2 credits and reports.
Registration begins at 8:00 am and class starts at 8:30 am. Lunch is provided.
Course Learning Objectives
Primary objective is for student to be able to use EnergyGauge Summit software to determine Florida commercial building energy code compliance, simulate energy use, and generate output reports.
Each student will be able to:
Course Outline
- Introduction to EGS Capabilities as Students Download Software
- Learning EGS Project Organization
- Practice Session
Students are given a completed building file and will make specific building changes requested by instructor, then calculate code compliance and determine energy impacts of changes made. Instructor will give each student time to complete each task, then review exercise before moving on to the next exercise.
Qualifications of Instructors
Tei Kucharski is a nationally accredited HERS trainer with 10 years of training experience. She has more than 30 years experience in preparing residential and commercial energy calculations. Tei is a Certified Class I Energy Rater in the State of Florida, Certified Commercial Energy Rater and a past certified residential building contractor.
Chuck Withers is a Senior Research Engineer at FSEC and a hands-on building scientist and accomplished researcher (18 published papers). He has performed field research in more than 300 buildings. He is fluent in the language of building diagnostics blower doors, duct testers, pressure mapping, and air flow verification because he has performed a full range of tests on a wide range of buildings. He has seen how buildings fail and knows how to communicate that knowledge. He has presented at more than 40 conferences, workshops, and courses, including Florida Energy Gauge, duct leak test method, IAQ Diagnostics, and commercial buildings uncontrolled air flow courses. He has a BS degree in Secondary Education Physics.
This course will teach you how to use the software. It is designed for first time and experienced users. Students can work alone or in pairs per computer while being guided by instructors that will help them learn how to input data into software and generate output reports to determine energy impacts. Come see how easy it is to generate an ASHRAE 90.1 rating, tax deduction and LEED 2.2 credits and reports.
Registration begins at 8:00 am and class starts at 8:30 am. Lunch is provided.
Course Learning Objectives
Primary objective is for student to be able to use EnergyGauge Summit software to determine Florida commercial building energy code compliance, simulate energy use, and generate output reports.
Each student will be able to:
- Input specific window, building envelope, HVAC, and lighting parameters into enhanced EnergyGauge Summit software.
- Generate and review code compliance reports.
- Generate and review energy use reports to determine how much energy a specific energy conservation measure has the potential to save compared to minimal building code measures.
- Generate a LEED report.
- Generate Federal tax rebate report.
Course Outline
- Introduction to EGS Capabilities as Students Download Software
- Learning EGS Project Organization
- Project Hierarchy/Explorer
- Materials and Constructs
- Templates
- Master and Project Libraries
- Project, Zone and Space
- Wall, Window and Door
- Roof, Skylight and Floor
- System, Plant, Piping
- Water Heater
- External Lighting
- Navigating Through Master Constructs Library
- Selecting Constructs
- Project Fenestration Library
- Navigating Through Master Materials Library
- Procedure to Build Constructs
- Generating Florida Code Compliance Report
- Reviewing Florida Code Compliance Report
- Generating and Reviewing ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Rating
- Practice Session
Students are given a completed building file and will make specific building changes requested by instructor, then calculate code compliance and determine energy impacts of changes made. Instructor will give each student time to complete each task, then review exercise before moving on to the next exercise.
- Evaluate Different Orientations and Window Shading
- Windows
- Insulation
- Reflective Roof
- Interior Electric Lighting
- Cooling Efficiency
Qualifications of Instructors
Tei Kucharski is a nationally accredited HERS trainer with 10 years of training experience. She has more than 30 years experience in preparing residential and commercial energy calculations. Tei is a Certified Class I Energy Rater in the State of Florida, Certified Commercial Energy Rater and a past certified residential building contractor.
Chuck Withers is a Senior Research Engineer at FSEC and a hands-on building scientist and accomplished researcher (18 published papers). He has performed field research in more than 300 buildings. He is fluent in the language of building diagnostics blower doors, duct testers, pressure mapping, and air flow verification because he has performed a full range of tests on a wide range of buildings. He has seen how buildings fail and knows how to communicate that knowledge. He has presented at more than 40 conferences, workshops, and courses, including Florida Energy Gauge, duct leak test method, IAQ Diagnostics, and commercial buildings uncontrolled air flow courses. He has a BS degree in Secondary Education Physics.
Event Location
Florida Solar Energy Center
Room 111
1679 Clearlake Road
United States Of America
Florida Solar Energy Center
Room 111
1679 Clearlake Road
United States Of America