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Special Training on EnergyGauge ResSizePro and ResRateSizePro

Special Training on EnergyGauge ResSizePro and ResRateSizePro
Code: SpecialSizePro
Price: $30.00
View more items in Building Science Training

This special offering, full-day, instructor-led course uses lecture, demonstration and hands-on participation to teach EnergyGauge USA users how to enter a residential project in 3D using Kwik Model calculate Manual J, Manual S, and Manual D, create a duct layout in 2D or 3D, enter a solar PV system, and more. Hints, tips, and special features will be also covered. An optional Rater session at the end of the class will review energy rating features and registration for FSEC Raters.

Bring your laptop with the latest EnergyGauge USA installed. For those who need to borrow a laptop for the day, when you register, contact

Registration starts at 8 a.m. and class starts at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided.

Instructors: Jody Cummings, Max Dillard, Tei Kucharski, Jeff Sonne and Rob Vieira from FSEC, and Russ King and Connor King from Coded Energy, developers of the Kwik Model 3D Tool in EnergyGauge.

Event Location

Florida Solar Energy Center
1679 Clearlake Rd
Cocoa FL 32922

For other locations:

*Typical cost for 1-day training is $299; discounted for this special event for current and potential SizePro users.

All payments are fully refundable if cancellation is received at least 7 business days before the class begins. FSEC reserves the right to cancel any course in the event of insufficient pre-registration or major weather event. In that event, all payments are fully refundable. Please confirm class will be held before making final travel plans with cancellation penalties.

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